For Authors

Guide for authors

The journal accepts short communications (3-5 pages), regular papers (8-15 pages),  reviews (20-30 pages), previously unpublished and not submitted for publication in other issues. Figures and tables are included in the page count. Reviews are usually published by invitation. However, authors are encouraged to propose reviews as well subject of approval by the Editorial Board. All papers are peer reviewed.

All articles must meet the following requirements:

  • Be typed in MS Word.
  • Be typed in Times New Roman (font size 12 pt, 25 mm margins, single line spacing without hyphenation, extra spaces and paragraph intervals).
  • Abbreviations used in the text is to be decipher for the first time.
  • The bibliography should be made in the order of first references of the sources. In the text the number of the source in the bibliography is given enclosed in square brackets.

General requirements

  • article title (in capital letters); bold, size 12 pt, placed in the centre of the document;
    • information about the authors:
    – Full name of the authors;
    – Place of work and division (Institute, Department, etc.)
    – Postal address of the place of work;
    – E-mail of the corresponding autjor
    – Abstract about ½ page, describing the relevance and the aim of the research, methods, results, conclusions;
    • Key words (5 words).
  • The article must contain the conclusions.

Figures, tables and formulas:

  • Figures files (in grayscale) in jpg, tif, cdr or other formats of graphic editors Photoshop, Corel Draw with 300 dpi, attached to the article.
  • Figures and tables names: 

Fig. 1. Title; Table 1. Title;

  • Fractions and intervals: 1.2...1.8 mm; 5–7 pcs;
  • Formulas are in MathType (Equation Editor)
  • Enumerate only the formulas which are referenced in the text;
  • The letters of Latin alphabet, except for those included in the personal names, standard mathematic functions and chemical elements are in italics (Upr, Fi, but Al2O3, cosαi, max, lg, «BASF»). Vectors are in half bold italics;
  • Use the quotes like «…».

List of references:

All references to other papers, books, etc., must be given at the end of the paper. They should be numbered in sequence starting at the beginning of the paper. The numbers (in brackets) should appear in the text at the appropriate places, e.g. [1, 2] or [3–7];

Number the references (numbers in square brackets) in the list in the order in which they appear in the text. Please include all author names. Please include article titles of all cited articles as in the following examples. 

Reference to a journal publication: 

Aleksandrov P.A. and Beloshitsky V.V. Charge exchange at grazing reflection of swift ions from a solid surface. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 1991, vol.117, no. 1–3, pp. 95–98. doi: 10.1080/10420159108220599.
Reference to a book: 
Silfvast W.T. Laser Fundamentals, 2nd Edition. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2004, 601 p.
Reference to a conference
Berry H.J. Laser spectroscopy at accelerator facilities, 1989, Conference on Lasers in Science and Technology, Amman, Jordan.
Web references 
Electron Levels of Atomic Nitrogen Vs. Molecular Nitrogen. Available at: